Home DIY Arts & Crafts 12 Self-Quarantine To-Dos to Occupy Yourself
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12 Self-Quarantine To-Dos to Occupy Yourself


We realize not everyone enjoys the massive amount of down time mandated to us right now. Which is why we have come up with a genius list of ideas that will occupy your mind and body until this self-quarantine order has been lifted.  *Disclaimer*  These may not appeal to everyone in our audience, but hopefully you can find a few things that will help you beat the doldrums of for another month or so until we can get back outside, be around other humans and soak up that Vitamin D.

Video Overview

Occupy Your Mind:

  1. Learn a New Skill: Being out of work is hard! However, maybe this will offer you the perfect chance to change the course of your life, if you so desire. There are thousands of classes on line that teach skills. If you are currently unable to work, make time to develop a skill that has always been of interest to you. Take up woodworking, painting, drawing, photography or writing. Learn to play an instrument or improve your skill in an instrument you already have. Take notice of the things that are beautiful to you and find a way to make it into something more. For instance, if you love a specific photograph that hangs in your home try to put it on canvas. It may not be perfect, but it will take up some of your time and may bring you unexpected joy.
  2. Tease your Brain: Try out a puzzle, learn a new board or card game. Do things away from the screen.  For instance, if you enjoy figuring things out, learn how to change the oil in your car, or repair a mechanical issue. Start a blog or a YouTube channel on something you are passionate about.  There are so many resources you can use to exercise your brain while away from work or spending time at home.
  3. Many people find joy in music: Music makes people happy. Throw on some headphones or blast the radio while you are sitting around, running, dancing or even doing a chores. Music will instantly lift your mood. There are many opportunities to have a “private” concert with a favorite artist as people are taking to Instagram and Twitter to share their talents. Take advantage of this. Try a different genre of music that takes you on a journey, Spanish or French music,for instance, can transport you to another place.  There are even orchestral performances that have free concerts throughout the next few months. There is no better time to be able to see these beautiful works of art than from your home office.
  4. Podcasts: There are thousands of podcasts out there. You could probably get through a few of them from start to finish with this quarantine. Pick a few favorites to listen to when nothing else seems to be working. One of my favorites is My Favorite Murder. A comedy murder podcast.  It takes a little getting used to, but if its your cup of tea, it will entertain for hours. You could also take up audio books. They are a great way to listen to your favorite books while working around the house, in the care or even as you are falling asleep. Your local library has an app that you can download and get audio books for free, or you can use one of the many services available with a subscription.
  5. Get Your Virtual Tour On: There have been posts popping up all over the place with museums, farms, and even the Sistine Chapel offering free virtual tours.  This a perfect way to exercise your mind and keep your spirits up by focusing on the beauty that exists in this world.
  6. Be Grateful: I know its hard to do when we are all worried about our health, our jobs, the economy and the world in general. But take a minute to start a gratitude journal. Try to write down one thing a day. You may be surprised at everything you have to be grateful for.

Occupy Your Body:

  1. Organize/Clean: Its about the time for spring cleaning. Take this extra “mandated” time at home to get rid of things that don’t bring you joy as Marie Kondo would suggest. Old paperwork, photos, books, etc. Create something with them or remove them from your life. When you take time to de-clutter your home, your mind will often take the journey as well and you are better able to focus on work, friends, family or whatever else matters most to you.
  2. Make-up Tutorials: Again, there are thousands of make-up tutorials to occupy your time. You can go from frumpy work from home (like me) to glam in a matter of minutes. Give it a shot. You may just impress someone. Plus, despite how it feels, this won’t last forever, you will eventually get back to real life, and work.
  3. Lose that weight you have been stressing about using exercise. No joke. You don’t get to see your crush for a month. Make that month matter. Exercise at home with these at home exercise videos for beginners or get more intense with videos for a more intermediate level. You can even try dancing. Get outside for a hike or run. There are so many options outside of the gym.
  4. Make food at home and learn what you can about what is most nutritious for your body. While everyone has the same general guidelines, make decisions that work for you and your body. Use this month to eat healthier. There is not a pressing reason to go out to eat, so try to avoid it. Make food at home and learn what you can about what is most nutritious for your body. While everyone has the same general guidelines, make decisions that work for you and your body.
  5. Find New Recipes: There are a million and one bloggers out there offering copy-cat recipes for your favorite menu items, healthier versions of your favorite foods, and brand new recipes you may have never even considered.  This is an awesome time to up your cooking/baking game. Impress a significant other or spouse by creating a beautiful version of their favorite food, or find a new favorite. The possibilities are literally endless.
  6. Learn to Garden: There is no better time to learn about gardening. This can prove beneficial to your health, and your food storage. Having healthy, home grown fruits and vegetables to eat will make a world of difference in your both your mental state and overall well-being. Even if you don’t think you have a green thumb, do some research and you may find a method that works for you. Create an indoor garden if you are renting or don’t have the space for a real outdoor garden.


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