After Work Cocktails: Okay, 4:30 p.m. hits and you get an email from Dipsology – there’s happy hour at Julio’s. It’s been one of those days, you text your girlfriend and tell her you need some relief after work.
Judging by the way you woke up late, threw your unmatched clothes on; you need serious intervention, fast.
Fear not, you can still end your day without feeling completely defeated by kicking back and relaxing while sipping on these five cocktails.
Classic Cosmic Cosmopolitan
Work and play. Arguably the number one cocktail for women in the universe; it never fails to deliver. In the event that—in Jason Mraz’s words— you’ve had a bad day, you shouldn’t be asking why does my life suck, but rather “where in the world is my cosmopolitan?” Whether you want to keep it classy in front of your boss, or relax on a Friday afternoon with your girls at your favorite lounge, this drink is sweet and light for every occasion. Just enough content to let you relax and socialize but not too strong to the point where you head for a table top. Usually consisting of 3 simple ingredients: vodka, cranberry juice, and lime.
Dear Margarita
Today, my phone died at work, I got in an argument with my boyfriend, and I am stressed about paying my bills. And the voices inside your head say: don’t worry, be happy—happy hour, that is. A little bit of good company and cocktails is all you need to a physically and mentally exhausting day. Margaritas are notorious for being specials on menus and you don’t have to worry about breaking the bank. This distinct, sharp—usually rounded—glass of goodness will help you shake any worries off. Perfect for Summer and Fall, you can drink this tequila delights blended or frozen.
Whisky-ing The Night Away
Okay, you’re one of those independent women working in a man’s world and you want to show your co-workers and the world that you’re a strong woman who can handle anything. 1 hour deadline? Got it. High level project? In the bag. Well, if you want to be a boss, drink like one. Whether you’re having a drink with your boss after work or at a work conference, go for the Whisky. That’s right. Try: Scotch with a few drops of water, on the rocks “neat” (meaning straight up) and for those of you who don’t want to be as aggressive, drink Irish whiskey with club soda. If that doesn’t impress your male co-workers and gain you respect, I don’t know what will. Show everyone you don’t need hair on your chest to drink whisky, or run a company.
Spice Up Your Life With Some Sangria
Say adios to your problems and enjoy a little red in your life. This lovely, fruity filled Spanish drink will dance right away on your taste buds and may even have you doing the same. Sangria is not only a great alternative to your usual beer, but it pairs perfectly with sweltering summer afternoons and will cool down any anxiety or annoyance built from a long day laboring in front of your computer. Made with delicious fruits usually consisting of: oranges, lemons and berries, with a hint of ginger ale and at the base, red wine. I suggest Merlot, Rioja, or Cabernet Sauvignon—and of course, any Spanish wine.
For Thinner Or worse, ‘til Vodka Do Us Part
Your new vow to cocktails: Vodka, water, with lemon, please. If you want to be serious about cutting down on the calories but don’t want to look socially inept, drink this. Not only will the water help hydrate you, but if you already love lemon water—which is amazing for your skin—you’re only adding vodka to make things a little bit more fun. Make sure to add more lemon for those of you who rarely appreciate the taste of robust vodka. The best part? Water has no calories, lemon has almost none, and vodka, well depending on the alcohol proof can range from 80 to 115 calories per shot.
This helpful post was written by Biz Watson, the marketing manager for MBA@UNC and MPA@UNC, the University of North Carolina’s distance learning mba and public administration online degree. Liz is a first year MBA student stumbling through the horrors of case studies, accounting class, and pre-skills all towards the end goal of changing the world, making a ton of money, and kicking ass.