Coconut Oil and How It Can be Used
Video Overview:
Makeup Remover
Makeup is the main beauty routine for women, but at times when you try to remove it using the common ways, it can be impossible. Therefore, you can use coconut oil, and it removes even the most resistant waterproof mascara. You only need a cotton pad to apply the coconut oil on the face, and the makeup will melt away.
Breath Freshener
Coconut oil is enriched with antibacterial as well as antifungal properties needed to refresh your breath. You can gargle a spoonful of the oil for twenty seconds, and this will fight off the germs in your mouth giving you whiter teeth, healthier gums as well a fresher breath. These are crucial coconut oil beauty uses for women planning to boost their celebrity appearances and speech.
Coconut oil is essential for body moisturizing because of the fatty acids that allow quick absorption on the skin. The oil will make the skin glow, soft and radiant. The oil will also perform the moisturizing role on your face so you can leave it on before applying your makeup.
Coconut oil as Chapstick
If your lips are chapped, most people get chapstick or lip balms, but coconut oil is actually the most effective remedy to use because it remains semi-solid in the normal room temperature and is extra moisturizing.
Eye Creams
If you do not want to overspend on under eye cream, you should consider coconut oil. The eye skin is the most delicate part of your face, and so the coconut oil will keep it safe throughout the day.
Last but not least, use coconut oil as a hair mask.
Coconut oil is great for dry hair or for a flakey scalp. It can be used as a hair mask either 20 minutes before a shower or after a shower and to keep in overnight. Simply massage onto your scalp and hair and relax and let it do its magic.
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